Theory of frequency, energy density and fractal structure of the Universe

Theory of frequency, energy density and fractal structure of the Universe

( of March 11 Introduction Modern physics is based on quantum mechanics and general relativity theory (GRT), but their unification remains an unsolved problem. We propose an alternative model in which the frequency of oscillations is the primary concept determining the energy density. Within this model, Planck's constant plays the role of the fractalisation coefficient, determining the scale of physical processes. 1. basic principles of the theory 1.1 Frequency as a fundamental quantity In the Universe, the frequency of oscillations determines all physical processes, and its gradients create gravitational and quantum effects. We assume that the change of frequency generates interactions, and space remains unified, but its properties depend on the frequency of interactions. 1.2 Quantisation of velocity, mass and dimensions The energy density is determined by the frequency of oscillation. The higher the frequency, the energy becomes denser and the scale decreases. In our model, the speed of light, the mass of objects and their size change depending on the level of fractality. The scaling occurs as...
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