Is immortality a gift or a curse?

A scary word to the uninitiated person is death. But why? Why the very thought of death causes chilling horror and leads us into a state of stupor. After all, we absolutely know that it is inevitable. We also know that everyone, absolutely everyone, everyone without exception, who lived before us, and who lives with us, and who will live after us, will surely die. They will. There are no options. There is no way out. This is an immutable law of nature. Is immortality so wonderful? Most people dream of immortality, dream of going to paradise and living there forever. They consider life on earth as a kind of punishment. But is it really so? To begin with, let's just imagine that you have become immortal. Even if ideally you will always be at a certain physical age and you are invulnerable to any accidents, your body is not subject to wear and tear and mechanical damage. I.e. you are always...
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Manifestation of the WORLD from the side of electromagnetic interaction. Electromagnetic waves as bricks of the WORLD.

Manifestation of the WORLD from the side of electromagnetic interaction. Electromagnetic waves as bricks of the WORLD.

(this is machine translation) Preface Correction dated 26 July 2024. The article considers the possibility of a new understanding of the physical nature of electric charge. To date, the understanding of charge is reduced to a description of what it can do, what it leads to, but does not talk about what makes it appear, where it comes from. Therefore, to date, the concept of electric charge is tantamount to understanding a ‘black box’ - an object of study whose inner workings are unknown. In this connection physics builds its laws only by means of observation on experience and obtaining results through carrying out a large number of experiments. I.e. - it is similar to the actions of a blind man. Yes, of course, attempts are made to understand what charge is, but so far without much success. Everything is still reduced to the description of what it leads to. This article attempts to ‘guess’ the very structure of this mysterious ‘black box’. I think...
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